Email marketing terms can be confusing if you're new. Here's how to differentiate between some of the common lingo thrown around.

Email broadcasts are far more effective at creating a form of connection with your users. You should be treating these users as your friends and creating a long-term customer journey. In the long run you're going to see incredible results.

Email marketing is the most direct form of marketing. The goal of email marketing is to establish a relationship that will ultimately lead to a strong bond with your customer. Connect with your customers by sharing what you're passionate about to grow a loyal customer base.

Email Marketing is simple to set up and has the greatest return on investment. We'll teach exactly how to get started with the latest email marketing techniques for 2021.

Here are 7 email marketing KPIs you can investigate today to grow your business through email marketing

Hundreds of questions about email marketing are asked everyday on social media channels. Here are 5 questions we've noticed occur again and again.

UX and UI are essential to creating great emails. They solve different objectives, but are principled on a user-centric perspective.

Shopify's email marketing feature isn't trying to take on Klaviyo or Mailchimp, and that's okay.

The coronavirus will require you to shift your digital strategy. Although many businesses are experiencing a downturn in revenue, now's the time to adjust your marketing budget rather than axe it.

Despite recent regulations by the European Union to further regulate emails, email marketing is actually growing.